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Daytime park scene


Meet the Characters: Padget

Meet Padget

Padget looks after Pando, and also owns and runs the corner shop. She's very gentle, and a bit of dreamer; (which is perhaps why Pando can sometimes be slightly unruly?).

She meets life with a lyrical sweetness, and a sweet internal chuckle. Padget is nevertheless quite a good salesperson! She somehow manages to infuse her day with dance, music and smiles. Padget is special.

Padget shop image

Padget keeps herself busy...

running the local shop where you can buy everything you need.

Padget whistling image

Padget has a knack for..

whistling catchy tunes.

Padget run image

You may sometimes see....

Padget on a run around town.

Meet Padget's Friends